kalepy.kernels module

Kernal basis functions for KDE calculations, used by kalepy.kde.KDE class.

class kalepy.kernels.Kernel(distribution, bandwidth, covariance, helper=False, chunk=100000.0)

Bases: object

property FINITE
__init__(distribution, bandwidth, covariance, helper=False, chunk=100000.0)
property bandwidth
property covariance
density(points, data, weights=None, reflect=None, params=None)

Calculate the Density Function using this Kernel.

points(D, N), 2darray of float,

N points at which to evaluate the density function over D parameters (dimensions). Locations must be specified for each dimension of the data, or for each of target params dimensions of the data.

property distribution
property matrix
property matrix_inv
property norm
resample(data, weights=None, size=None, keep=None, reflect=None, squeeze=True)